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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


1. Court(v): to try to win the favor, preference, or goodwill of; to seek the affections of; (of animals) to attempt to attract (a mate) by engaging in certain species-specific behaviors; to act in such a manner as to cause, lead to, or provoke; to seek another's love.
Synonyms: adjective, aulic, forensic, in camera, judicial, judiciary, juridical, juristic, justiciable, sub judice, substantive.

2. Conscientious(adj):careful; characterized by extreme care and great effort; controlled by or done according to conscience; guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong.
Synonyms: complete, diligent, exact, exacting, faithful, fastidious, fussy, hanging in, heedful, meticulous, painstaking, particular, playing safe, punctilious, punctual, reliable, tough, just, upright, honest, faithful, devoted.
Antonyms: careless, inexact, irresponsible, uncareful, unconscientious, unscrupulous.

3. Watershed(n): the region or area drained by a river, stream, etc.; drainage area. ; an important point of division or transition between two phases, conditions, etc.; an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend.

4. Apostasy(n): a total desertion of or departure from one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc. ; the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause.
Synonyms: recreance, recreancy, tergiversation.

5. Trite(adj): lacking in freshness or effectiveness because of constant use or excessive repetition; characterized by hackneyed expressions, ideas, etc; Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition;frayed or worn out by use; repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
Synonyms: ordinary
Antonyms: original.

6. Malefeasance(n): the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used esp. of an act in violation of a public trust); Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
Synonyms: crime, delinquency, misconduct, wrongdoing.

7. Mollify(v): To calm in temper or feeling; soothe; To reduce the rigidity of; cause to be more favorably inclined; make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate; to assuage, as pain or irritation, to appease, as excited feeling or passion; to pacify; to calm.
Synonyms: abate, allay, alleviate, ameliorate, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, compose, conciliate, cool, cushion, decrease, diminish, dulcify, ease, fix up, lessen, lighten, lull, mellow, mitigate, moderate, modify, pacify, patch things up, placate, propitiate, quell, quiet, reduce, relieve, soften, sweeten, take sting out, temper, tranquilize.
Antonyms: agitate, depress, exasperate, harass, incite, provoke, trouble, upset, worry.

8. Banality(n): Something commonplace, hackneyed, or trivial; The condition or quality of being banal; triviality; Something that is trite, obvious, or predictable.
Synonyms: adage, buzzword, hokum, old chestnut, platitude, prosaicism, prosaism, trite phrase, trivia, triviality, truism
Antonyms: coinage, nuance, original saying.

9. Extol(v): to praise highly; laud; eulogize; To place on high; to lift up; to elevate; To elevate by praise; to eulogize; to praise; to magnify.
Synonyms: acclaim, applaud, bless, boost, celebrate, commend, cry up, eulogize, exalt, give a boost to, givea bouquet, glorify, hand it to, hats off to, hear it for, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize, pay tribute to, praise, puff up, push, rave, root.
Antonyms: blame, criticize, disparage.

10. Sapient(adj): having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; acutely insightful and wise; Having great wisdom and discernment.
Synonyms: acute, astucious, astute, cagey*, canny, clear-sighted, clever, contemplative, discerning, discriminating, educated, enlightened, experienced, farsighted, foxy*, informed, insightful, intelligent, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, reflective, sage, scholarly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smart, thoughtful, wise.

11. Explicate(v): to make plain or clear; explain; interpret; to develop (a principle, theory, etc.); To make clear the meaning of; explain; make plain and comprehensible; elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; To unfold; to expand; to lay open; To unfold the meaning or sense of; to explain; to clear of difficulties or obscurity.
Synonyms: amplify, clear up, construe, demonstrate, develop, dilate, elucidate, enlarge upon, enucleate, expatiate, explain, expound, give the big picture, illustrate, interpret, make clear, make explicit, make plain, run down, unfold, untangle, work out.
Antonyms: cloud, complicate, confuse, mystify, obscure, tangle.

12. Hackneyed(adj): made commonplace or trite; stale; banal; A coach or carriage for hire; To cause to become banal and trite through overuse; To hire out; let; Overfamiliar through overuse; repeated too often,
Synonyms: antiquated, banal, common, commonplace, conventional, everyday, familiar tune, obsolete, old, old-chestnut, old-hat, old-saw, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, overworked, quotidian, stale, stereotyped, stock, timeworn, tripe, trite, unoriginal, well-worn.
Antonyms: fresh, new, original, uncommon

13. Exegesis(n): critical explanation or interpretation of a text or portion of a text; Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text; Exposition.
Synonyms: analysis, critique, explanation, exposition, interpretation.

14. Pontificate(v): to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner; to express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way; talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner; the state or dignity of a high priest; specifically, the office of the pope.
Synonyms: address, admonish, dogmatize, evangelize, get on a soapbox, give sermon, harangue, lecture, minister, moralize, preach, pulpiteer, teach.

15. Gregarious(adj): fond of company; pertaining to a flock or crowd; living in flocks or herds, as animals; Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.
Synonyms: affable, clubby, companionable, convivial, cordial, fun, outgoing, sociable, genial, outgoing, convivial, companionable, friendly, extroverted.
Antonyms: cold, cool, introverted, unfriendly, unhospitable, unsociable.

16. Excoriate(v):to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally; to strip off or remove the skin from; to tear or wear off the skin of; abrade; express strong disapproval of.
Synonyms: abrade, chafe, flay, fret, gall, peel, rub, scarify, scratch, skin, strip.

17. Awning(n): a rooflike shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, from the top of a window, over a deck, etc., in order to provide protection, as from the sun; a shelter; a rooflike structure, often made of canvas or plastic, that serves as a shelter, as over a storefront, window, door, or deck.
Synonyms: covering, door cover, marquee, protection, shade, shelter, sunshade, tent.


1. Awning: Sun

Issue Topic:

1. Art reveals the hidden impulses of the society

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette. "The population of Balmer Island increases to 100,000 duing the summer months. To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians, the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day during the summer season. By limiting the number of rentals, the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in moped accidents that was achieved last year in the neighboring island of Torseau, when Torseau's town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals."

२१ ऑफ़ october

1. The value of (5*4) + 2(5-8+3) = ?

2. Col A: (-36)^49
Col B: 36^(-49)

3. If x > 0, then
Col A: 2^2 * sqrt(x)
Col B: 4^2 * sqrt(x^2)

4. If t^2 = -3(2t + 3), then the value of t is?

5. Given x-intercept and y-intercept and asked to find the slope?

6. Given slope as 2.5 and a point on the line as (30, 50).
Col A: y-intercept
Col B: xxx (some value)

7. Given two points and asked to find the distance between the points.

8. If x =! 1, then
Col A: 1/( 2x+2)
Col B: 2x+2

9. If an integer n > 2 takes the form k! and this satisfies if and only if the product of the 'n' numbers in that factorial should be less than or equal to k.
Col A: n!/(n-1)!
Col B: n!-(n-1)!/(n-2)!


1. Plumb

2. Trenchancy

3. Lackluster

4. Burnish

5. Expatriate

6. Diaphanous

7. Periphery

8. Proximity

9. Guffaw

10. Amusement

11. Exonerate

12. Trudge

13. Sapient

14. Bellicose

15. Didactic

16. Mellifluous

17. Gullible

18. Naive

19. Futile

20. Innocuous

21. Jest

22. Skirt

23. Iridescent

24. Exalt


1. Lackluster: Burnish

2. Guffaw: Amusement

3. Exonerate: Blame

4. Balm: Soothing

Issue Topic:

1. Now-a- days people choose their career on the basis of economy, money and job opportunities in future rather than talent, skill and interest.

2. With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society—including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences—will benefit greatly from international influences.


1. Obstreperous

2. Animate

3. Balm

4. Deplore

5. Fringe

6. Fertile

7. Censorious

8. Bellicose

9. Idiosyncratic

10. Hiatus

11. Abatement

12. Supine

13. Acerbic

14. Trenchancy


1. Ambrosial x Unsavory

2. Timorous x Tardy

3. Cogent x Unconvincing

4. Congenital x not innate

5. Torpor x Animation

6. Natty x Sloven

7. Succinct x Prolixity

8. Gregarious x Aloofness

9. Aligned x Neutral


1. Pragmatist: Practicability

2. Encomiastic: Eulogy

3. Defer: Leader

4. Admire: Hero

5. Impressionable: Influence

6. Servile: Compliant

7. Belligerent: Assertive

8. Quibbler: Cavil

9. Guffaw: Amusement

10. Trenchancy: Insipid

Issue Topic:

1. "It is the artist and not the critic who is of some value to the society."


1. Plumb

2. Trenchancy

3. Lackluster

4. Burnish

5. Expatriate

6. Diaphanous

7. Periphery

8. Proximity

9. Guffaw

10. Amusement

11. Exonerate

12. Trudge

13. Sapient

14. Bellicose

15. Didactic

16. Mellifluous

17. Gullible

18. Naive

19. Futile

20. Innocuous

21. Jest

22. Skirt

23. Iridescent

24. Exalt


1. Lackluster: Burnish

2. Guffaw: Amusement

3. Exonerate: Blame

4. Balm: Soothing

Issue Topic:

1. Now-a- days people choose their career on the basis of economy, money and job opportunities in future rather than talent, skill and interest.

2. With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society—including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences—will benefit greatly from international influences.


1. Obstreperous

2. Animate

3. Balm

4. Deplore

5. Fringe

6. Fertile

7. Censorious

8. Bellicose

9. Idiosyncratic

10. Hiatus

11. Abatement

12. Supine

13. Acerbic

14. Trenchancy


1. Ambrosial x Unsavory

2. Timorous x Tardy

3. Cogent x Unconvincing

4. Congenital x not innate

5. Torpor x Animation

6. Natty x Sloven

7. Succinct x Prolixity

8. Gregarious x Aloofness

9. Aligned x Neutral


1. Pragmatist: Practicability

2. Encomiastic: Eulogy

3. Defer: Leader

4. Admire: Hero

5. Impressionable: Influence

6. Servile: Compliant

7. Belligerent: Assertive

8. Quibbler: Cavil

9. Guffaw: Amusement

10. Trenchancy: Insipid

Issue Topic:

1. "It is the artist and not the critic who is of some value to the society."


The value of (51!-50!)/(50!-49!)is........

1.How many even integers have squares between 37 and 621?

2 There is a list of 12 numbers, all are positive & even and their some is given as 50.
Col A: Range of these twelve numbers
Col B: 20

3Given that, if x and y are decimals, then x+y when rounded to 100th decimal it is equal to x.
Col A: y
Col B: 0.007

4. If x & y are both greater than 0, then
Col A: sqrt (10x) * sqrt (10y)
Col B: 10 * sqrt (xy)

5. Given that, if ‘x’ belongs to a set of prime numbers less than 10 and y belongs to a set of prime numbers greater than 10, then
Col A: (-1)^x+y
Col B: (-1)^xy

6. If 180 is the number of ways in which letters of a word is arranged, then which of the following words can be arranged in the same number of ways?

7. In a distribution of 8500 parameters, if 26.7 is 56 percentile & 37.1 is 78 percentile, then what is the percentile of x (26.7 < =x < =37), that is closest in this range?
A. 1888
B. 4750
C. 6650
& so on....

8. Given 2 < a < 4 < b < 10, if the average of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6, then
Col A: a-b
Col B: 4

9. Given 'N' is a positive integer, such that when it is multiplied with 3/5 and the resultant is divided with 7/10 then its equal to which of the following
A. N*(6/7)
B. N/(5/2)
& so on...

10. Given two circles that are concentric having radii 2, 5. If the tangent to the smaller circle intersects the bigger circle at ‘S’ and ’T’, then find the length of ‘ST’?

11. If slope of first line is -2 and other line is ½, then find the angle between the lines?

12. If 0 < a < b < c, then
Col A: b/a
Col B: c/b

13. A triangle with three sides were given as a = 4, b = 3, c = 6
Col A: Angle between sides a and b
Col B: 90

14. If n > 10000, then
Col A: thousand's digit of n/8
Col B: 7

15. If a parallelogram has side 16 and 10, then
Col A: the area of parallelogram
Col B: 155

16. If a probability of receiving a busy tone in a call is 1/3, then
Col A: Call made for time probability of not receiving a busy tone
Col B: 1/4

17. Col A: The units digit in 86^34
Col B: 6

18. If a*-2 + (a*-1)6 + 9 = 0, then what is the value of ‘a’?

19. In a total of 36 members, if 10 play chess, 16 play cricket and 20 play none of them, then what is the number of members who play any one of these games?

20. If -3 < x < 0, then
Col A: 1/x
Col B: -3

21. Given A+L =130. If ‘A’ is the area of rectangle and ‘L’ is the length of the rectangle. Find the value of A? (Provided ….the breadth ‘B’ is given as 6)

मोस्ट इम्प कुएस्शन ऑफ़ october

The value of (51!-50!)/(50!-49!)is........

If x & y are both greater than 0, then
Col A: sqrt (10x) * sqrt (10y)
Col B: 10 * sqrt (xy)

In a distribution of 8500 parameters, if 26.7 is 56 percentile & 37.1 is 78 percentile, then what is the percentile of x (26.7 < =x < =37), that is closest in this range?
A. 1888
B. 4750
C. 6650
& so on....

Given 2 < a < 4 < b < 10, if the average of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6, then
Col A: a-b
Col B: 4

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oct 15th

1. Peripheral

2. Integral

3. Novelty

4. Gadfly

5. Periphery

6. Fetter

7. Extol

8. Glee

9. Succinct

10. Iconoclast

11. Garrulous

12. Cryptic

13. Redolent

14. Slothful

15. Zephyr

16. Seasoned

17. Digression

18. Taciturn

19. Embezzlement

20. Exotic

21. Malicious

22. Delay

23. Beleaguered

24. Assertive


1. Accidental: Incidental

2. Beleaguered: Assertive

3. School: Education

Issue Topic:

1. The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were mad; possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper.
"At present, Mason City residents seldom use the nearby Mason River for any kind of recreational activity, even though surveys of the region's residents consistently rank water sports (swimming, fishing, and boating) as a favorite form of recreation. Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water in the river, residents must be avoiding the river because they think that it is not clean enough. But that situation is about to change: the agency responsible for rivers in our region has announced plans to clean up Mason River. Therefore, recreational use of the river is likely to increase, so the Mason City council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the Mason River."

१५ october

4. Given that a pump, pumps water from a well at the rate of 60gallons/min for duration of 1hour. If the pump rate is increased by 50% for next 2hours, then what is the total water pumped in this 3 hours duration?

1. If y = 2x + 9 & x^2 = 4, then
Col A: x
Col B: y

2. Given Set A = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...m & Set B = 1, 2, 3 ...n where 'n' is even and 'm' is odd.
Col A: Percentage of odd numbers in A
Col B: Percentage of even numbers in B

3. Given slope of a line as 2.5 and a point on the line as (20, 50).
Col A: y-intercept
Col B: -25

4 Given 2 < a < 5 < b < 8 and if the average of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6.2, then find the value of a + b?

5 Given that there was about 8500 distribution numbers. If the score of 26.7 was 35th percentile and 37.1 was 50th percentile, then how many distribution parameter numbers accounted for about 50 percentile of the distribution?

6. Given 'N' is a positive integer, such that when it is multiplied with 3/5 and the resultant is divided with 7/10 then its equal to which of the following
A. N*(6/7)
B. N/(5/2)
& so on...

7. If P = Sum of even integers from 1 to 100 & Q = Sum of odd integers from 1 to 100, then what is the value of P – Q?
A. 0
B. 99
C. 100
D. 101
E. 200

8. If x & y are integers, then
Col A: sqrt(x) + sqrt(y)
Col B: sqrt(x+y)

9. Col A: (n + 30)^2 + (n – 30)^2
Col B: 120n

10. Given a quadrilateral with the four coordinates and asked to find the area of the quadrilateral?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

मोस्ट फ़्रेक़ुएन्त्ल्य आस्क वोर्ड्स ऑफ़ october

1. Friated

2. Mind

3. Vicissitude

4. Prosaic

5. Tessellated

6. Reel

7. Perspicacious

8. Timorous

9. Flagging

10. Ambrosia

11. Burnish

12. Lackluster

13. Contentious

14. Querrulous


1. Wood: Carpenter

2. Burnish: Lackluster

3. Contentious: Querrulous

VERBAL Till Oct 13th

1. Convoke(v): to call together; summon to meet or assemble; to cause to assemble in a meeting.
Synonyms: to summon; assemble; convene; cite, gather, meet, muster, request.

2. Hasten(v): to move or act with haste; proceed with haste; hurry; accelerate; to speed up; act or move at high speed; cause to occur rapidly.
Synonyms: accelerate, advance, barrel, bolt, dart, drive, expedite, fleet, gallop, hie, hurry, precipitate, precipitate press, press, push, quicken, race, run, rush, scamper, scurry, speed, trot, urge, whisk.

3. Limpid(adj): clear, transparent; completely calm; without distress or worry; Characterized by transparent clearness; easily intelligible; clear; Calm and untroubled; clear and bright; easily understandable.
Synonyms: Clear; transparent; pellucid; lucid; pure; crystal; translucent; bright; comprehensible, crystalline, distinct, lucid, pellucid, pure, serene, translucent, transparent, untroubled.

4. Sapient(adj): having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; acutely insightful and wise; sage; discerning; often in irony or contempt.
Synonyms: discerning, intelligent, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, sagacious, sage, wise.

5. Teddy(n): plaything consisting of a child's toy bear (usually plush and stuffed with soft materials); a male given name; a female given name; a teddy bear.

6. Dale(n): a valley, esp. a broad valley; a male or female given name; an open river valley (in a hilly area); a low place between hills; a vale or valley; a trough or spout to carry off water, as from a pump.
Synonyms: dell, dene, dingle, glen, ravine, spout, trough, vale, valley.

7. Jejune(adj): without interest or significance; dull; insipid; immature; childish; lacking knowledge or experience; uninformed;deficient or lacking in nutritive value; not interesting; dull.
Synonyms: arid, banal, barren, bland, childish, dull, empty, flat, immature, inane, innocuous, insipid, juvenile, meager, sterile, trite, unexciting, vapid.

8. Plangent(adj): resounding loudly, esp. with a plaintive sound, as a bell; Loud and resounding; Expressing or suggesting sadness; plaintive.
Synonyms: mellow, orotund, resounding, ringing, rotund, round, sonorous, vibrant.

9. Stand(v): (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet; to rise to one's feet ; to stop or remain motionless or steady on the feet; to remain firm or steadfast; to continue in force or remain valid; to remain still, stationary, or unused; to face or encounter; Synonyms: abide, stomach, bear up, endure, hold up.

Issue Topic:

1. We are not teaching students how to contribute in society
(It is something like that)

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a newspaper feature story.
"At the small, non-profit hospital in the town of Saluda, the average length of a patient's stay is two days; at the large, for-profit hospital in the near by city of Megaville, the average patient's stay is six days.Also, the cure rate among patients in the Saluda hospital is about twice that of the Megaville hospital. The Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the hospital in Megaville and there are few complaints about service at the local hospital.Such data indicate that treatment in smaller, non-profit hospitals is more economical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for profit hospitals".

Till Oct 13th

1. If x < 0, then
Col A: 1/x
COl B: -1/x

2. For a cylinder of radius 'r' and height 'h'
Col A: Total surface area
Col B: Curved surface area

3. Given two series of P & F, in which each upcoming term in P series is twice the preceding term and each upcoming term in F series is three times the preceding term. If P1 = 5, F1 = 2, then for which value Pk > Fk.
(Here 1, k are suffixes)

4. Given that A & B can complete a work in 8 hours each and C can do it in 12hours. In how much time will all of them finish the work if they work together?

5. There were 37 employees in a company. If the month july has more number of birthdays than any other month then what is the number of birthdays in july?(provided every month should have atleast 3 birthdays)
Col A: Number of birthdays in july
Col B:3

6. Given three points (2,4),(5,3) & (k,1). If these three points are collinear, then find value of k?
(Question is similar to this)

7. If 'X' machines work for 'Y' hours to produce 'Z' products, then how many hours will 'A' machines take to produce 'B' products provided if the rate of two machines are same?(Values of X, Y, Z, A & B were given)?

8. Let S1, S2, S3,... ,Sn be a series such that, Sn+1 = (1/2)Sn, then
Col A: S6 (2^14)
Col B: S20
(Here 1, 2, 3, 6, 20, n & n+1are suffixes)

9. If -2 < x < -1, then
Col A: x
Col B: 0

10. If |k+2| = |k-2| then,
Col A: k
Col B: 0

11. If -2 < x < -1, then
Col A: x^-3
Col B: x^-1

12. Given 'N' is a positive integer, such that when its multiplied with 3/5 and the resultant is divided with 7/10 then its equal to which of the following
a) N*(6/7)
b) N/(5/2)
& so on...

13. Given a straight line equation in X,Y terms
Col A: The slope of the line if the intercepts of X,Y are equal
Col B: 0

14. If x =! -1, then
ColA: 1/(2x + 2)
ColB: 1/(x + 1)

15. Given there are 800 doctors who says 'yes' to the drugs P, Q, R that they work effectively.
P drug....some 38%
Q drug....some 52%
R drug.....some 71%
now, how many doctors say "yes" to Q drug and "don't say yes" to the drug R?
A. 312
B. 910
& so on....

16. Given two straight lines x+y = 1 & 2x+2y = 8, then
Col A: The shortest distance between the two lines
Col B: 3

Monday, October 13, 2008

ओक्ट 11

1. Clarion

2. Tangibility

3. Commensurate

4. Quaff

5. Friated

6. Havoc

7. Transparent

8. Deplore

9. Emulations

10. Exemplar

11. Obscure

12. Unseemly

13. Hasten

14. Stentorian

15. Spiny

16. Sententious

17. Jaundice

18. Immutable

19. Spurious

20. Procrastinate

21. Avowal

22. Surly

23. Hasten

24. Stentorian

25. Spiny

26. Nefarious

27. Obscure

28. Disparity

29. Tepid

30. Oblivious

31. Nice


1. Malfunction: Failsafe

2. Quaff: Sip

3. Alloy: Pure

Issue Topic:

1. The profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of place with their time and society.

September 30th Database Questions(few) were included in today's database.

ओक्ट 11

1. Clarion

2. Tangibility

3. Commensurate

4. Quaff

5. Friated

6. Havoc

7. Transparent

8. Deplore

9. Emulations

10. Exemplar

11. Obscure

12. Unseemly

13. Hasten

14. Stentorian

15. Spiny

16. Sententious

17. Jaundice

18. Immutable

19. Spurious

20. Procrastinate

21. Avowal

22. Surly

23. Hasten

24. Stentorian

25. Spiny

26. Nefarious

27. Obscure

28. Disparity

29. Tepid

30. Oblivious

31. Nice


1. Malfunction: Failsafe

2. Quaff: Sip

3. Alloy: Pure

Issue Topic:

1. The profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of place with their time and society.

September 30th Database Questions(few) were included in today's database.

ओक्ट ९ एंड 10

1. Diaphanous

2. Spartan

3. Quaff

4. Beleaguered

5. Blatant

6. Quell

7. Stentorian

8. Unseemly

9. Offbeat

10. Mulish

11. Persuaded


1. Quaff: Sip

2. Mulish: Persuaded

Issue Topic:

1. An effective political leader doesn't speak da truth always. Honesty is a useful virtue for an effective politician.

ओक्ट ९ एंड 10

1. Diaphanous

2. Spartan

3. Quaff

4. Beleaguered

5. Blatant

6. Quell

7. Stentorian

8. Unseemly

9. Offbeat

10. Mulish

11. Persuaded


1. Quaff: Sip

2. Mulish: Persuaded

Issue Topic:

1. An effective political leader doesn't speak da truth always. Honesty is a useful virtue for an effective politician.

ओक्ट ५&6

1. Cement

2. Zealous

3. Desecrat

4. Vacillatory

5. Diaphanous

6. Estimable

7. Shoveled

8. Signal

9. Gossamer

10. Firial

11. Deprecation

12. Prosaic

13. Trecharant

14. Hasten

15. Dogged


1. Ineluctable: Avoid

2. Approach: Intimidate

Issue Topic:

1. The study of history is done only on few famous persons. The great achievements of the so called famous is actually achieved by groups of people who have been long forgotten.

Argument Topic:

1. The Residents of the Mason city make no recreational use of the Mason river that is nearer to the city. Eventhough the state survey done, quotes that water sports(swimming, fishing, boating) as the favourites among the people. There are complaints that the river is been polluted and hence the people might be staying away from it. The situation is about to change as the state government has decided to purify the Mason river and hence the recreational use of river is about to rise. The Mason city council should increase the budget to develop the city-owned lands across the river.
(similar to this)

ओक्ट १ तो ३ verbal

1. Friated

2. Mind

3. Vicissitude

4. Prosaic

5. Tessellated

6. Reel

7. Perspicacious

8. Timorous

9. Flagging

10. Ambrosia

11. Burnish

12. Lackluster

13. Contentious

14. Querrulous


1. Wood: Carpenter

2. Burnish: Lackluster

3. Contentious: Querrulous

Issue Topic:

1. A Work of art like song, literature, sculpture or movie is given merit only if it is understandable to the people.

आफ्टर ओक्ट 6th

If a < 0 < b < c, then
Col A: ac/b
Col B: ac

Col A: (7!)^2
Col B: 13!

If -3 < x < 0, then
Col A: 1/x
Col B: -3

If 180 is the number of ways in which letters of a word is arranged, then which of the following words can be arranged in the same number of ways?
(Similar to this)

If N = (36)^(36) & P = (71)^(71), then
Col A: Units place of N+P
Col B: Units place of NxP

The following represents a data and frequency table.
Data Frequency
5 15
10 20
15 25
20 15
25 20

Col A: The Probability of a data selected at 1/2 random
Col B: 10

A tanker contains 35,000 gallons of Oil, which delivers 100Gallons and 200 Gallons in 35 refueling stations. How many stations received 100Gallons and how many received 200Gallons of Oil?

अक्टूबर १ तो 6

October 1 to 3

1. Col A: (2^8)*(15^5)+(2^8)*(15^5)
Col B: (5^10)*(8^2)

2. A square was given and another square was formed by joining mid points of the square. If perimeter of larger square was given 'X'.
Col A: Perimeter of smaller square
Col B: X/2

3. Col A: (7!)^2
Col B: 13!

4. If f(n,k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!), then
Col A: f(16,3)
Col B: f(16,14)

5. If product of xyz is odd integer, then which of the following is even
A. x(y+z)
B. xy+z
C. yz+x
& so on....

6. There is a series of odd numbers from 1 to n where n is a odd number. What is the probability that a number selected at random will be an odd number?

7. The slope of line XY is given as -1/2.
Col A: X intercept of Line
Col B: Y intercept of Line.

October 3 to 6

1. Given Set A = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...m & Set B = 1, 2, 3, ...n where 'n' is even and 'm' is odd.
Col A: Percentage of odd numbers in A
Col B: Percentage of even numbers in B

2. If l(3x-2)l < 8 then find the value of x?

3. If a1, a2, are such that each term is 2 times the preceeding term & p1, p2, are such tht each term is 3 times the preceeding term. If a1= xxxx(some value) and p1 = xxxx(some value) then find the least number of n such that Pn > An?

4. In a school, there are 720 people. If 300 opted for course x, 350 for y, 200 for z, 100 opted for no course and 150 opted for exactly two courses then what is the number of people who opted for all the three courses?

5. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost.If 36 people charter aircraft rather than 40,loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?

6. On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81

7. (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 + 1/2) = ?

8. If -2 < x < -1, then
Col A: 1/x3
Col B: 1/x

1. If a < 0 < b < c, then
Col A: ac/b
Col B: ac

2. If x & y are not equal to zero, then
Col A: sqrt(x) + sqrt(y)
Col B: sqrt(x+y)

3. If (x-2)(x-3)(2x-15)(4x+1) = 0, then find the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

4. Given that, if a person has 5 pair of socks of different colors and if 2 are chosen at random then what is the probability that both of them are of same color?

5. If a clock shows exactly 4 '0' clock right now, then what will it show exactly 1195 hours later?

6. If x=! 0, then
Col A: lxl – 2
Col B: lx-2l

7. If a point (1, 2) lies on the line Mx + Ky = 2, then
Col A: k
Col B: 0

8. If it takes ‘t’ mins to travel ‘X’ miles, then
Col A: The time taken in hours to travel 900miles is
Col B: 15t/x

9. The range of list-1 is 16 and range of list-2 is 10(approx values). If both the lists are combined then what will be the minimum value of their range?

10. If x, y, z are negative integers, then
Col A: x + y + z
Col B: 1/x + y + z

11. Col A: 0.01/1- 0.01
Col B: 0.1/1- 0.1

12. In every month, a hospital is opened only in last week. If 10 people travel through bus to hospital, what is the probability that atleast two people travel on the same day?

13. If x < 0, then
Col A: -x
Col B: lxl

14. There is a swimming pool in the shape of an upright right circular cylinder whose base diameter is 20ft and depth(of cylinder) is 4ft. What is the volume of water, if the water is present at a uniform depth of 3ft 6inches?

15. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

16. If [z] represents greatest value less than or equal to z and x & y are positive, then
Col A: [x]+[y]
Col B: [x+y]

17. Given that, there is a field with 'r' sections in which there are 's' sub- fields in each section. It is also given that there are 5 employees for working and each one does the work equally. If there is an employee Annie who does the work of her and also 1/3 work of the other colleague, then
Col A: Work done by Annie
Col B: rs/4

18. Which of the following operations below, would not affect the standard deviation of the above numbers
A. When 6 is added to each number
B. When 3 is added to each number.
C. When each number is mutiplied by some number x
D. When each number is divided by some number.
(Question is similar to this)

19. There is a square floor with a smaller square carpet. The side of floor is 10% greater than that of carpet and the difference in the areas were given. What is the side of the carpet?
(Question is similar to this)

20. If the probability of A doing a work is 2/3 and B doing it is 4/7, then what is the probabilty of neither of them do it?

21. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

22. If x, y, z are real positive numbers.
Col A: Median of x, y, z
Col B: Median of x^2, y^2, z^2.

23. If x, y are two real numbers and x>0 & y<1, then
Col A: mod(x-y)
Col B: 1

24. If 100 < x < 225, then
Col A: sqrt(x)+20
Col B: sqrt(900+x)

25. If (n-2)*(n-3) = 0, then
Col A: -2n+1
Col B: 2n-8

26. The probability of A hitting a target is 2/3. And the probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?

27. If ak = 1/k-1/(k+1), then find out the summation of a2 to a100?
(Here k, 2 & 100 are suffixes)

अक्टूबर १ तो 6

October 1 to 3

1. Col A: (2^8)*(15^5)+(2^8)*(15^5)
Col B: (5^10)*(8^2)

2. A square was given and another square was formed by joining mid points of the square. If perimeter of larger square was given 'X'.
Col A: Perimeter of smaller square
Col B: X/2

3. Col A: (7!)^2
Col B: 13!

4. If f(n,k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!), then
Col A: f(16,3)
Col B: f(16,14)

5. If product of xyz is odd integer, then which of the following is even
A. x(y+z)
B. xy+z
C. yz+x
& so on....

6. There is a series of odd numbers from 1 to n where n is a odd number. What is the probability that a number selected at random will be an odd number?

7. The slope of line XY is given as -1/2.
Col A: X intercept of Line
Col B: Y intercept of Line.

October 3 to 6

1. Given Set A = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...m & Set B = 1, 2, 3, ...n where 'n' is even and 'm' is odd.
Col A: Percentage of odd numbers in A
Col B: Percentage of even numbers in B

2. If l(3x-2)l < 8 then find the value of x?

3. If a1, a2, are such that each term is 2 times the preceeding term & p1, p2, are such tht each term is 3 times the preceeding term. If a1= xxxx(some value) and p1 = xxxx(some value) then find the least number of n such that Pn > An?

4. In a school, there are 720 people. If 300 opted for course x, 350 for y, 200 for z, 100 opted for no course and 150 opted for exactly two courses then what is the number of people who opted for all the three courses?

5. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost.If 36 people charter aircraft rather than 40,loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?

6. On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81

7. (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 + 1/2) = ?

8. If -2 < x < -1, then
Col A: 1/x3
Col B: 1/x

1. If a < 0 < b < c, then
Col A: ac/b
Col B: ac

2. If x & y are not equal to zero, then
Col A: sqrt(x) + sqrt(y)
Col B: sqrt(x+y)

3. If (x-2)(x-3)(2x-15)(4x+1) = 0, then find the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

4. Given that, if a person has 5 pair of socks of different colors and if 2 are chosen at random then what is the probability that both of them are of same color?

5. If a clock shows exactly 4 '0' clock right now, then what will it show exactly 1195 hours later?

6. If x=! 0, then
Col A: lxl – 2
Col B: lx-2l

7. If a point (1, 2) lies on the line Mx + Ky = 2, then
Col A: k
Col B: 0

8. If it takes ‘t’ mins to travel ‘X’ miles, then
Col A: The time taken in hours to travel 900miles is
Col B: 15t/x

9. The range of list-1 is 16 and range of list-2 is 10(approx values). If both the lists are combined then what will be the minimum value of their range?

10. If x, y, z are negative integers, then
Col A: x + y + z
Col B: 1/x + y + z

11. Col A: 0.01/1- 0.01
Col B: 0.1/1- 0.1

12. In every month, a hospital is opened only in last week. If 10 people travel through bus to hospital, what is the probability that atleast two people travel on the same day?

13. If x < 0, then
Col A: -x
Col B: lxl

14. There is a swimming pool in the shape of an upright right circular cylinder whose base diameter is 20ft and depth(of cylinder) is 4ft. What is the volume of water, if the water is present at a uniform depth of 3ft 6inches?

15. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

16. If [z] represents greatest value less than or equal to z and x & y are positive, then
Col A: [x]+[y]
Col B: [x+y]

17. Given that, there is a field with 'r' sections in which there are 's' sub- fields in each section. It is also given that there are 5 employees for working and each one does the work equally. If there is an employee Annie who does the work of her and also 1/3 work of the other colleague, then
Col A: Work done by Annie
Col B: rs/4

18. Which of the following operations below, would not affect the standard deviation of the above numbers
A. When 6 is added to each number
B. When 3 is added to each number.
C. When each number is mutiplied by some number x
D. When each number is divided by some number.
(Question is similar to this)

19. There is a square floor with a smaller square carpet. The side of floor is 10% greater than that of carpet and the difference in the areas were given. What is the side of the carpet?
(Question is similar to this)

20. If the probability of A doing a work is 2/3 and B doing it is 4/7, then what is the probabilty of neither of them do it?

21. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

22. If x, y, z are real positive numbers.
Col A: Median of x, y, z
Col B: Median of x^2, y^2, z^2.

23. If x, y are two real numbers and x>0 & y<1, then
Col A: mod(x-y)
Col B: 1

24. If 100 < x < 225, then
Col A: sqrt(x)+20
Col B: sqrt(900+x)

25. If (n-2)*(n-3) = 0, then
Col A: -2n+1
Col B: 2n-8

26. The probability of A hitting a target is 2/3. And the probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?

27. If ak = 1/k-1/(k+1), then find out the summation of a2 to a100?
(Here k, 2 & 100 are suffixes)